The kingdom of Snalong was ruled by King Genchog. King Genchog’s father was Gendong.
When Gendong had been alive, he had also been a very good king of his times.
In the same kingdom lived a painter and a carpenter. They were both masters in their respective fields. But the carpenter and the painter hated each other.
One day the painter went to the court of King Genchog with a very special letter.
The letter was from King Genchog!
‘Dear son,
I am in the heavens and I am very happy there.
However, I wish to build a temple for the Gods here. There are no good carpenters in Heaven. Please make arrangements to send a carpenter to heaven.
The painter through whom I have sent this letter can make the necessary arrangements for my wishes to be carried out.’
King Genchog did not doubt the letter. His father would definitely want to build temples for the Gods and there was no reason for him to doubt the contents of the letter.
That very day, the king sent for the carpenter.
The carpenter was very surprised when he looked at the letter. When he saw the mention of the painter, he grew even more suspicious. But he did not voice any of his suspicions. He studied the King. “How am I supposed to get to heaven, your majesty?”
King Genchog called for the painter to court and that confirmed the carpenter’s suspicions.
“How is the carpenter supposed to go to Heaven?”
The painter nodded at the king, smiling slyly at the carpenter “The carpenter and his tools are to be laid on the ground. Then they are all burnt. Using the smoke of the fire, the carpenter can ride up to the heavens with his tools.”
The carpenter stared blankly at the painter as fear clutched his heart. With great difficulty he caught himself and nodded slowly at the king. “Your majesty, I… work from my home… I hope that all this is done there.”
The innocent king nodded much to the glee of the painter.
However the carpenter was not yet done talking. “I have some work here too, your majesty. Kindly give me about a weeks’ time to finish my work on earth, before I go to heaven.”
The king agreed to this request too.
The date for burning the carpenter and his tools to be sent to the heavens was fixed to the next week.
In his fields, the carpenter worked hard for the next seven days in a secret mission.
On the seventh day, the carpenter and his tools were burnt on the pyre.
The painter went back home smirking happily thinking that he had got rid of his enemy.
Three months later, King Genchog was in court.
He was surprised to see the carpenter walk in hale, hearty, happy with divine looking wonderful garments.
The king welcomed the carpenter happily. “How was the trip to the heavens, carpenter?”
The place is amazing, your majesty.” The carpenter nodded at the king. “I could find all the materials and build a magnificent temple for the Gods. Your father is very happy with my efforts.” The carpenter handed over another letter to the king. “He asked me to give me this letter to you.”
‘Dear son,
The carpenter that you have sent has done a magnificent job.
Now I need a good painter to finish the temple. Kindly make the necessary arrangements to send a painter.’
The painter heard this and he was stunned. He was in awe when he saw the attire of the carpenter. He genuinely believed that attire was made in heavens. The foolish painter did not know that the carpenter had used his one week well and had built a tunnel leading away from the place of burning to an underground chamber. The carpenter had stored the underground chamber with enough rations and provisions to last him for the three months. In those three months, the carpenter had the attire prepared in the underground chamber.
The painter knew none of this. He genuinely believed that he was being called to the heavens.
As the painter was not as quick thinking as the carpenter, he met his end that day.
Folk stories from Tibet