Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why does a jellyfish have no bones?

 Long ago, there was a king of the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace was huge and grand and right in the middle of a beautiful island.

Once when the king’s wife was in the family way, she had a strange craving.

She wanted to eat the liver of a monkey.

The king immediately sent for his guards – the jellyfish and his minister – Turtle and explained to the two of them about his wife’s craving.

Turtle nodded at the king. “I shall handle this, your majesty.”

The turtle roamed around the city and found no monkeys there.

The wise turtle then swam under the sea. There he found a monkey playing in the mountains near the seashore.

Master Monkey, I am thrilled to find you playing here. Can I take you to a bigger and grander palace where you can enjoy yourself better?”

The monkey did not suspect anything and it agreed to the turtle’s offer.

The turtle then carried the monkey on its back to the island.

The monkey was thrilled to see the palace from outside. It was studying the gates of the palace and the other places outside when the turtle asked it to wait outside.

I shall talk to the king to let him know that you have come.” The turtle told the monkey.

The monkey nodded and was happily looking around outside the palace when the turtle went inside.

The jellyfish outside the palace saw the monkey and burst out laughing.

The monkey was confused.

The jellyfish then told the monkey the real reason why he had been brought here.


A little later, the turtle came out and found the monkey looking worriedly at the sea.

You can come inside, Master Monkey.” Then the turtle paused looking at the anxious monkey.

What is it? Why are you upset?”

The monkey sighed. “It looks like it is going to rain. I left my liver outside, on top of the tree where I have my house. My liver will get drenched in the rain.”

The turtle believed that monkey. Thinking that, the craving of the king’s wife would remain unsatisfied, even after eating the monkey, the turtle took the monkey back to the seashore.

There the monkey escaped and told the turtle all about the words of the jellyfish.

The king of the Dragon Palace as punishment for talking too much, scaled off the skin and took away the bones of the jellyfish.

Since that day, all jellyfish have no bones in their body.

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