The villagers took the brother back to the judge and told the judge that his sentence could not be carried out.
The judge then held that the man had to be dropped into the sea and drowned to death.
The second brother studied the judge on hearing the sentence. “I have to go and tell my mother that I am now sentenced to be drowned to death.”
This was allowed and the second brother went to his brothers and mother and told them all that had happened.
The third brother who could stretch his legs as much as necessary went in place of the second brother.
The villagers carried the third brother and threw him in the water.
However, there the third brother extended his legs so much that he could touch the bottom of the sea. His face always let his face be above water. The villagers were perplexed and then carried him to deeper ocean and the same thing still happened.
The villagers were perplexed and then went back to the judge telling him that they could not carry out this sentence of the judge either.
The judge held that the man be boiled alive.
On hearing this the third brother asked the judge that he had to meet his mother and tell her the latest means of his execution.
The fourth brother came out and went with the villagers and everyone was ready to carry out the latest sentence.
The fourth brother was lowered into a kettle of boiling oil.
The fourth brother sighed because the oil was not even hot enough for a good warm bath for him.
Adapted from Chinese Folktales
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