Thor and Loki were on a journey in Thor’s chariot, from Asgard to Jotunhein. Thor’s chariot was made of iron and rumbled and was drawn by two milk white goats.
As they traveled all day, they came upon a house in the evening. The house was poor and the people living there had nothing to offer to Thor.
Thor liked to feast and because the people in the house could not provide him with any food, he had to provide for it himself.
Thor killed his own two goats to be served for supper.
Thor asked the family in the poor house to join him. But before they started eating, Thor had a request. “Do not break or throw away any of the bones of the goats that you are going to eat now.”
Thialfi and Roska were the children of the countryman. Thialfi was very surprised with Thor’s condition. “Why should we not break the bones?” Thialfi asked his sister Roska.
Roska did not know the answer.
So when Thor was not looking, Thialfi broke one of the bones that had been served to him, into two.
After eating to their heart’s fill, as directed by Thor all of them threw the bones into the goat skins where Thor had placed it. Thialfi threw the broken bone into the goat skins too.
Thialfi was uneasy with what he had done and could not sleep well that night.
The next morning, Thor held his hammer Miolnir over the goat skins.
Thor muttered some runes onto the goat skins.
When Thor finished speaking the two live goats sprang up and walked towards the chariot.
Adapted from Norse Mythology
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