Thor took his hammer, the Miolnir and watched the door of the house, all night.
At the dawn of the day he went into the forest.
Thor was stunned to see a gigantic man lying in the forest. The giant’s breath swayed the treetops.
Thor realized that this giant was the reason for their disturbances last night.
Thor bravely went up to the giant to wake the giant up, when the giant itself woke up and looked at Thor.
“Who are you?” Thor demanded. “You made enough noise last night to prevent your neighbours from sleeping well.”
The giant looked at Thor. “I am Skrymir.”
Before Thor could say anything else, the giant continued. “I know who you are. You are little Asa Thor of Asgard.”
Thor was surprised as Skrymir continued. “What have you done with my glove?”
Even as the giant spoke, the giant picked up the ‘hall’ in which Thor and his friends had spent the night.
The hall was the glove and the room where Loki and Thialfi had slept was the thumb of the glove.
Thor was sure that this was a dream.
But Thor raised his hammer. “I have come to Jotunheim to fight and win against evil giants like you.” Thor nodded at the giant. “I am ready to try my strength against yours.
The giant studied Thor. “Try it then.”
Thor picked up the Miolnir and threw it at the giant’s head.
Adapted from Norse Mythology
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