Monday, October 14, 2024

King Yasahketu and his minister Dirghadarsin - Part Eight

Now that her curse had been lifted, Mrigankavati turned to her husband. “After cursing me and leaving me here, my father has gone to the Nishada mountains. According to our laws, after our curse ends, we have to return to our own kingdom.” Mrigankavati nodded at her husband. “So I must go back to my father and you can go back to your own kingdom.”

The king frowned for a few seconds. “Before you leave me and go to your father, I ask one thing from you.”

Mrigankavati was surprised as the king continued. “We are husband and wife and we shall separate because your curse has ended. But spend seven days with me. After that you are free to go your way.”

Mrigankavati agreed to this.

For six days the king and Mrigankavati lived happily in the palace.

On the seventh day, the king fooled Mrigankavati and led her to the pavilion which opened the gates into the land of humans. The king made sure that he and Mrigankavati stepped through the pavilion and both of them stepped away from the kingdom and appeared on the other side from which there was no going back.

It happened so fast that soon the king and Mrigankavati found themselves in the gardens of the kingdom of Anga.

At first, Mrigankavati was surprised, but then she realized that the king had done what he had because he did not have to be separated from her.

The people of the kingdom of Anga saw that their king had returned with a celestial beauty as his wife.

All the people in the kingdom rejoiced, except the minister Dirghadarsin.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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