Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Clever Goat

There was once a group of goats grazing in a lush green forest. 

The goats lived in a huge cave near the grass. 

Two jackals came near the cave and saw the strong goats.

The two jackets decided to eat the goats one by one so that it would not be easy for the goats to make out who attacked them or how. 

So when the gods came to graze the jackals would attack one goat and have a sumptuous meal. 

This went on for some time and finally there was just one female goat left in the entire herd. 

The female goat was about to have more little children and she realized that a pack of animals had made away with the other goats.

The goat became more and more careful and she did not go too far away from the cave. 

Not knowing what to do, the two jackals tried to tempt the goat to come out . 

The female jackal went outside the cave off the goat and told her that they were reformed citizens now and that the goat had nothing to fear. And that the goat could come out and be normal as before. 

The female goat heard the jackal from outside. She did not panic and stayed calm. She replied. “I am going to have guests now. My guests will be coming tomorrow and will be there for some time. I am busy managing the house for my guests. That is the reason I do not have the time to come out.” 

The jackal was surprised. “Guests? What guests?” 

“The dogs are the cousins of the goats. Over a hundred dogs are coming to our cave this evening.” The goat calmly replied. 

The jackals were terrified when they heard this and they slunk away from the place never to be heard of again. 

After that the female goat gave birth to a few lambs and she lived happily with them in the cave and had no fear from the jackals anymore.

Adapted from the  Jataka tales

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