Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Frog Prince

Long ago there lived a king who had many daughters. All his daughters were beautiful. However the youngest daughter was the prettiest of them all. 

The youngest daughter had a golden ball with her. She used to play with the ball in the forest near the castle. 

In the forest near the castle there was a deep well. 

The princess used to play with her golden ball near this well. 

Once when the princess threw the ball high up in the air instead of catching it the ball fell into the well. 

The princess did not know how to get the ball out of the well. 

She looked at the deep well and started crying. That was when she heard a voice. “Beautiful princess! Why are you crying?” 

The princess saw an ugly frog standing before her. “My ball fell into the well. I do not know how to take it out.” 

The frog looked at the golden ball inside the well and nodded at the princess. “If I get the ball out for you, will you give me what I want?” 

The princess nodded. “I can give you the pearl in my neck or even my golden crown if you get me the golden ball.” 

The frog shook its head. “I do not want any of these things. If I get this golden ball for you will you take me to your castle and let me eat from your plate and stay with you as your companion?”

The princess was shocked at first. 

But then she did not think that the frog would do as it was told and she agreed to the promise. So as soon as the princess agreed the frog dived inside the well and got the golden ball. 

The princess happily took the golden ball and went to her own castle.

The next day there was a loud knock in the castle. 

The princess looked out of her room and saw that it was the frog. 

The frog wanted the youngest daughter of the king to keep her promise. 

The king did not understand who was at the door and that was when the princess explained everything to her father. 

The king was however a very fair man. He believed that the princess had to keep up her end of the bargain because the frog had got her ball from the well.

So the princess let the frog inside the castle. 

The frog wanted to sit on the chair right next to the princess. The king commanded the princess to do as the frog asked. 

Then the frog wanted to eat from the plate of the princess. 

Though the princess did not want this she did so because her father ordered her to do so. After the frog had Frog wanted to sleep in the princess bedroom along with her. 

This time the princess started crying because she did not want the frog on her beautiful clean bed. 

But the king was very angry and said that she could not go back on her word.

When the frog was sitting beside the bed the princess suddenly became very angry and she picked up the frog and threw it against the wall. 

“Now you can rest forever!” The princess yelled angrily.

However when the frog fell down it turned into a handsome Prince. 

The frog had been under a magic enchantment which could be freed only when a princess rescued him from the well and let him eat from her plate and stay with him. 

The next morning, a carriage pulled by eight horses came to the king's place. 

The Frog-Prince’ faithful servant Heinrich drove the carriage and brought the frog-prince and the princess to the Frog-Prince’ castle. 

The princess and the Frog Prince married each other and lived happily forever.

Adapted from the Grimm brothers fairy tales

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