Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Trader and his lost Camel


Once there was a trader who had a camel. The trader loved his camel a lot. Whenever the trader went to any city he took his camel with him.

However, during one trip the trader lost the animal. The trader searched everywhere but he could not find it. 

Finally he began asking the people around about whether they had seen his camel. 

Unfortunately nobody was able to help the trader. 

Finally he saw three men walking down the lane. 

He asked the three  people whether they had seen the camel. The first man thought for a few seconds and studied the trader. “Is your camel blind in one eye?” 

The trader nodded eagerly. 

The second man studied the trader. “Is your camel lame by one leg? 

The trader looked surprised and agreed with the second man. 

“Is your camel carrying grain and some honey on its back?”

The trader was sure that the three  men had seen his camel and agreed with them. “Where have you seen my camel?” 

The three  men shrugged, shaking their heads and continued walking down the lane. “We have not seen it.” 

The trader was angry and he was sure that the three  men were lying and so he took them to court. 

The trader explained everything to the king. 

“These three  men were able to give me all the facts about my camel and then they are claiming that they have not seen it. Please ask them to return my beloved animal to me, your majesty.” 

The king studied the three  men.

He asked the first man. “If you have never seen this man’s camel, how do you know that the camel was blind in one eye?” 

“Your majesty, I saw footprints of a camel on the ground and saw that the grass was eaten only on one side of a path where an animal had walked. That was why I assumed that.” 

The second man continued, “The left hoof of the animal was lighter than the right hoof. That is how I concluded that the camel was lame.” 

The third man shrugged. “I saw grains and drops of honey on the path that the animal had taken.” 

The king nodded at the trader. “These people have not seen your camel but they have given you a path to find it. If you travel the path that we have shown you and track your animal you.”

The trader thanked the three wise men and the king and continued with his search.

Adapted from the Arabian nights.

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