Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The elephant and the mice

 A huge group of mice lived in a dense forest.

Once it so happened that they saw a group of elephants marching towards the forest. The mice asked around and realized that the elephants were searching for water and the quickest way to the waterhole was through the dense forest. 

The mice feared that the huge elephants would walk through the homes of the mice burrowed under the ground. The mice realized that many of them would be trampled under the elephant's huge feet. So the king of the mice hurriedly went to meet the king of the elephants before the elephants could set foot inside the forest. The king of mice told the king of elephants the problem that the mice would have if the elephants marched inside the forest. 

The huge elephant looked at the little mouse but did not say anything immediately. 

However the king of elephants was very smart and he understood the problem of the mice and decided to take another route. 

That way the entire colony of mice was saved.

A few years later the king of elephants and his herd were passing through another forest. 

At this forest a king's army people had placed huge nets to capture elephants to be used in the king's army. 

The elephants were unaware of this. Most of the elephants including the king of elephants were caught in the net. But the clever king of elephants calmly asked one of the free elephants to go to the king of mice and ask for help. 

When the king of mice heard about the predicament of the elephants he and his colony went to the new forest. There all the mice gnawed the nets trapping the elephants with their sharp teeth.

That way the mouse repaid the kindness of the elephants.

Adapted from the Panchatantra

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