Thursday, August 17, 2023

Seven Inches and the Three Crowns - Part One

Once there was a king who had three daughters. The two elder daughters were very quarrelsome, however the youngest daughter was good and kind.

There came three princes to court the three daughters. And it so happened that the two elder princes were exactly like the two elder daughters and the youngest prince was just as kind and lovable as the youngest daughter.

There was a huge lawn outside the castle and as the three couples and the king were walking down the lawn they met a poor beggar.

The king, his two eldest daughters and the suitors of the elder's two daughters would not give anything to their beggar.

The youngest prince and the youngest daughter however gave a lot to the beggar and they also had some kind words with the man.

Walking further down the lawn there they saw a lake. 

On the lake was the most beautiful boat ever. The eldest princess wanted to sail in the boat. So did the next sister. However the youngest princess had a feeling that the boat was enchanted. 

However the others managed to convince the youngest prince and princess to get on the boat as well. 

All the seven people entered the boat.

As soon as the seven people were in the boat a man who was just seven Inches tall came up from behind the sales. 

The others looked at him and were surprised. 

The princes drew their swords and pointed it at the little man. 

However the princes were not able to do anything because their limbs felt powerless before the seven inches tall man. 

They realized that the little man had done some enchantment on them because of which they had lost the use of their limbs.

Seven Inches made sure the king and the three princes were out of the boat. After that Seven Inches led the three princesses down a basket into a draw well. 

It was only after Seven Inches and the three princesses were out of sight that the king and the three princes were able to regain use of their limbs.

The eldest Prince was the first who went down a rope into the draw well. However there was no news for him after that.

Similarly the second Prince entered the draw-well on the second day and there was no news of him as well.

Finally the third Prince went down the draw well. 

It was dark but the Prince went on and on and finally when he found a glimmer far down. He fell to the ground and he came out from a big lime kiln. 

There he was surprised to see woods and green fields. Further there was even a castle on the lawn and bright sky above. 

As the Prince walked he saw no one there outside. 

He decided to look into the castle. 

There was no one there as well and the door of the castle was wide open. 

But there was a lavish dinner set on the table.

The Prince decided to speak with the person in charge of the castle before eating the food. 

Steadily the Prince became more hungry but he did not eat the food without being invited.

In the evening Seven Inches came up towards him from inside the castle. "Why did you not have dinner?"

The prince shrugged. "I felt that it was good manners to be invited to dinner."

Seven Inches looks slyly at the young Prince. 

He pointed marble statues on the far end of the hall. "Unfortunately the two older princes did not seem to think so and they are paying a price for it."

The Prince was frightening but Seven Inches was cordial with him and invited him to have dinner with him.

Adapted from Irish folk tales

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