Monday, August 28, 2023

The Mountain of Ban Pin Shan

In Taiwan there is a mountain called Ban Pin Shan. It means one half.

Long ago it was believed that Ban Pin Shan was a whole mountain and there was a village near it. 

A very old man with a wrinkled face, hair and beard white as snow and worn out clothes came with a pot to the village. His pot had fresh dumplings and its smell filled the air.

“Hot dumplings! One for one cent, two for two cents and three for free.” The old man announced. 

The villagers were very curious on hearing the offer of the man. “Are you going to give us three dumplings for free?” 

The old man nodded and gave a dumpling to the first person of the village standing near him. “They are very delicious dumplings.” 

The man took one and the others realized that he enjoyed the dumpling. 

Soon everybody in the village asked for three dumplings and did not pay anything to the old man.

One of the men in the village however was shocked because he thought that the mountain near the village had suddenly gone missing. 

However no one paid any attention to the man.

The old man came the next day with the same offer. 

All the villagers stuffed themselves with three dumplings and did not pay anything to the old man.

On the third day when the old man came all the villagers were waiting for him and at this time a young voice said. “Can I have one dumpling please?”

All the villagers were shocked when they heard it. They could not understand why a man was paying for one dumpling when he could have three for free. 

The old man looked at the young man. “Do you not know about my offer? It is one for one cent. Two for two cents and three for free.” 

The young man nodded. “I know. But I have seen you carry this huge pot every day and you are giving away free dumplings. You have not made any money. I feel sorry. So I want to help you. But I have money only to buy one dumpling.” 

The villagers heard the young man and they were filled with shame.

The old man was however very happy he came forward and embraced him. “I have found you! I am the Mountain God and I had to choose my pupil. Come! I will take you and teach you all the magic that I know.”

The villagers realized that the Mountain God had wanted to test them to find a kind hearted person who could become his student.

Then the Mountain God revealed that the dumplings were not real and they had been made from the mud that he had got from his mountain. 

The villagers heard this and they ran to the old man’s pot and found it filled with mud.

They turned to look at the mountain and saw only half of it standing. 

The Mountain God took his student to teach him magic. 

The villagers were sad and cursed themselves for being greedy. 

Since that day the mountain Ban Pin Shan has been half and the villagers promised themselves not to be very greedy.

Adapted from folktales of Taiwan

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