Sunday, August 13, 2023

The White Snake - Part 1

Long ago there lived a very wise king. It almost seemed as if the king knew everything that happened in his kingdom in any place. 

The king also had a very strange habit. He had a covered dish which he ate all alone after dinner. Not even the servants knew what was in the dish.

However, once one of the servants of the king was overcome with curiosity to know what the king ate so secretly. 

While bringing the king's dish he opened the cover and saw a white snake under the covers of the dish. 

The servant took a small bite of the cooked dish and suddenly heard a loud chatter from around him. 

He went to the window and realized that he had heard the chatter of the birds. Not only that he could understand the language of the birds and the animals in his human tongue.

However the troubles of the servants were just beginning. 

It so happened that that very day the Queen had lost her ring. 

This particular servant of the king was allowed to move freely through the whole palace. Naturally everyone suspected that this servant had stolen the ring. 

The king was very stern with the servant. He asked the servant to either find the thief or admit to the guilt of stealing the ring.

Not knowing what to do, the servant decided to think long and hard and he went to the garden. 

In the garden there was a small pond. There were many geese and ducks swimming there. The birds were talking to each other about the daily events. 

One of the geese however complained that her stomach was heavy because of the ring that she had swallowed by mistake. 

The servant immediately clutched the goose and took the bird to the kitchen and asked the cook to cook this particular bird. 

It so happened that the queen's ring was found in the stomach of the goose.

The king apologized for suspecting the servant. However now the servant wanted nothing more than some money and some time for traveling around the world. 

So armed with some money and a horse the servant set above on his new adventures.

Away from the palace the servant rode on in his new horse. 

He heard some furious and worried voices from the pond nearby. 

He heard some fishes gasping for breath. The servant got off his horse and looked under the water and realized that the fish were caught in reeds and could not escape from there. 

The servant with his kind heart helped the fish out of the reeds and so that they could swim away from the reeds.

"We shall never forget you. One good deed deserves another." The fish told the servant.

The servant smiled and accepted the thanks of the fish and rode on.

After some time, the servant heard some more grumbling and mumbling. 

It was the ant king. "Why can't these humans stay away from us? My subjects get trod under the horses that they are riding." 

The servant then turned to a side road avoiding the ant king and his subjects. 

The ant king was stunned and waved at the servant. "The ants will always come and help you because one good turn deserves another."

The servant drove on.

This time he saw three small ravens who were thrown out of their nests. The servant gave a part of his food to the ravens. The ravens had the food and were very happy. "We will always remember you because one good turn deserves another."

Adapted from the Grimm brothers folktales

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