Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Wolf and the Goat's little kids

An old goat had seven little kids whom she loved a lot. 

One day the goat had to go to the forest to fetch some food. She called all seven kids around. "When I go to the forest do not open the door. If you do so the wolf will come and he will eat all of you." The goat looked even more anxious. "Please be careful because the wolf very often disguises himself. Remember that the wolf has a rough voice and black feet."

The kids looked at each other and then their mother. "Do not worry. We will take care of ourselves. You can go to the forests without any anxiety."

The goat went to the forest leaving her kids back at home.

Someone knocked on the door. "It is me, your mother." 

However none of the young kids believed it because the voice which spoke was rough. "You are not our mother," one of the kids cried. "Our mother has a very soft voice." 

It was indeed the wolf who had come to the house trying to get the little kids to open the door. Realizing that the kids recognised his rough voice he went and found some chalk and ate it. The lump of chalk worked and soon the wolf found that its voice was very soft.

The wolf again went to the house door. "Open the door. I am your mother."

But the kids saw the black feet of the wolf under the door and this time too they did not open the door. 

The wolf then went to the baker and asked the baker to rub some dough over it. After that the wolf met the miller to put some white meal over his feet. 

The miller wanted to refuse at first but when the wolf threatened to eat him, the miller did what was asked of him. 

This time the wolf went to the house door and cried again. "Open the door, it's me, your mother."

This time the kids checked the feet of the person behind the door and found that it was white they had no doubts and when they opened the door they were shocked to find the wolf there. All the kids ran and hid inside the various places in the home. The wolf found all the kids, save one, and swallowed the six kids whole. 

One of the kids hid in the clock case and that was the only kid whom the wolf could not find. 

But the wolf was full having swallowed all the kids and he went his way. He was so tired that he slept under a tree. 

The goat came back from the forest and she was shocked to find the door wide open and all the furniture strewn across and her children missing. 

Her seventh kid alone answered when she called him and that kid told his mother what had happened. 

The goat and the youngest kid went to the river where the wolf was asleep. 

That was when the goat realized that the wolf had swallowed her children and her children were still alive inside the wolf's stomach. Using scissors she cut the sleeping wolf's stomach open and all her six kids sprang out of the stomach of the wolf one after the other. 

Then she asked the kids to bring heavy stones and she put those stones inside the stomach of the wolf and sewed them together.

The goat then took her seven kids and went back to her home very happily. 

The wolf woke up and he was stunned because his stomach was heavy. 

He fell into the river and that was when he realized that the stones in his stomach dragged him down and drowned him. 

The goat and the kids were very happy that the wolf was no more.

Adapted from the Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales

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