Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Maiden of the Moon

There was once a man called Také Tori. He was a bamboo cutter. He and his wife lived very happily with the little money that the two of them made. However they did not have any children and were a little unhappy about it. 

As usual Také Tori went to the mountains and on the top he came across a bamboo grove. 

He was surprised to see a bright light shining among the green stems of the bamboo. Také Tori took his axe and cut down the green bamboo and he was surprised to find a fine shining green jewel the size of his fist.

Then Také Tori took the jewels in his hands. He was shocked when the jewel split into two and from it came a little person who stood on Také Tori’s hands. 

“Greetings!” The young person told Také Tori. 

Také Tori was taken aback. “Are you a fairy?” 

The girl nodded. “Yes. I have come to live with you and your wife for a little while.”

Také Tori was however sad. “Our cottage is not good enough and that is not a proper place for a girl like you.”

The fairy smiled. “Where is the big green jewel that you found?” 

When Také Tori picked up the two halves of the jewel he was surprised to see that it had gold coins. The fairy nodded. “Take it and me with you.” 

When they went home Také Tori joyously told his wife everything that had happened.

The little fairy grew up very happily in their house. She was very beautiful and Také Tori called her Beaming Bright because she came out of a shiny jewel.

Také Tori lived in a fine house and Beaming Bright lived like a queen there. 

Her beauty spread far and wide and many people came to want to marry her. 

However, Beaming Bright did not want to marry any of them. She wanted to stay with her parents as their daughter.

Three happy years went by. 

At that time a man called Micado came to woo Beaming Bright. 

Sadly when Beaming Bright heard Micado tears stood in her eyes and she shook her head. “I cannot marry you.” 

Mecado was surprised. “Why not?” 

That night the moon was especially bright. 

Také Tori, his wife and Micado were outside. “I cannot believe how big and bright the moon is tonight. It seems like there is a highway from the moon to the Earth.” 

At that time, Beaming Bright came forward. “You speak the truth father because it is a highway. On the highway there will be many beings to take me home because my father is the King of the Moon. He sent me to Earth in exile for the last three years . My exile is now over and I have to go back home.”

Také Tori and his wife and Micado were numb with shock. 

Také Tori looked around. “The mist is descending.” Také Tori said in anguish. 

Micado shook his head. “It is not the mist. It is not the king of the moon and his cohorts.” 

Many beings came down from the beam which was the highway from the moon.

The chief of them presented Beaming Bright with a feathery robe. 

When Beaming Bright wore the robe she rose up in the air. “Goodbye Také Tori. Goodbye mother. I will leave you my jewel behind for the two of you.” Beaming Bright turned to Micado. “I do not have any feathery robe to give you. So you cannot come up there. But I will leave you some elixir. If you drink it you will be one of the Immortals.” 

Saying this Beaming Bright spread her bright wings and with the cohorts of the king of the moon she went back to the moon and she was seen no more. 

Micado took the phial but he did not consume it. 

He realized that there was no point in living forever if he was parted from Beaming Bright. He threw the elixir of life into the fire and its blue vapour floated up to the moon.

Micado looked at the fire and nodded. “Let my message float up and reach the ears of Beaming Bright.”

Beaming Bright was also very sad on leaving her family on Earth and she wept. 

These shiny tears of Beaming Bright carried a message of love and comfort. To this day the tears of Beaming Bright can be seen on small ponds along with the blue vapour around it.

Adapted from Japanese folk tales

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