Monday, September 4, 2023

The Two brothers - Qian Li Yan and Shun Feng Er

The Shang dynasty and the Zhou dynasty in China were at war with each other. 

Two brothers joined the army of the Shang at that time. 

The elder brother Qian Li Yan had very sharp eyesight. He could see the movement of the enemy forces from very far away. 

His younger brother Shun Feng Er could hear the enemy's generals giving commands to their troops.

Because of the talents of the two brothers the Shang army always won the war against the Zhou army. 

The Zhou army had lost to the Shang army many times. The soldiers of the Zhou army were very afraid of them. 

At that time one of the generals of the Zhou army thought of an idea to prevent the two brothers from using their talents.

The Zhou army general asked his soldiers to wave their flags, completely covering the army from the eyes of Qian Li Yan. 

When Shun Feng Er tried to hear them, the Zhou army beat their drums loudly drowning any other sounds.

At the end of that war the Shang army was defeated and the two brothers died in the war.

However the spirits of the two brothers could not find any peace. It was tied to the place of battle and the two spirits terrorized all the local people there. 

The local people prayed for someone to come and help them from the two spirits.

At that time Mazu the Sea Goddess used her powers and she was easily able to defeat the two spirits.

Mazu then offered the two spirits a chance to give up their old ways and work for her.

From that day Qian Li Yan became the overseer of the sea. He looked for sailors in need of the Goddess' help. 

Shun Feng Er listened to the sounds of the people crying for help and reported the same to the Goddess.

Adapted from folk stories of China

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