Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Wicked Jackal - Part One

Long ago in the forest there were many wild beasts. 

There was a jackal and a hedgehog who were friends. 

One afternoon as they were walking the taller jackal could see ahead. The jackal saw a barn full of corn.It invited the hedgehog to eat from the barn. The jackal had lovely beautiful shoes and he had removed it while getting into the barn without making any sounds.

After that both the creatures went to the barn and ate to their full capacity.  

After eating the corn the jackal put his shoes on and returned to the road. 

That was when a panther came and stood before the two creatures. 

The panther studied the shoes of the jackal. “May I know where you got those shoes from?” 

The jackal shrugged, looking very proud of itself. “I made them myself.” 

The panther nodded happily. “Can you also make me a pair of shoes?” 

The jackal nodded and suddenly looked serious. “Before I can make these shoes, you need to get me the leather of a cow which you have killed. From the skin of the cow I will be able to make shoes for you.” 

Soon the panther attacked a cow grazing apart from the rest of the herd and killed the cow. 

The next morning, the jackal got the skin of the cow as the panther watched the jackal at work.

The jackal finally finished the shoe and handed it over. “Take the shoes and put them in the sun. After a couple of hours the shoes will be ready for use.” However , the jackal turned grave and warned the panther. “Do not try to wear these shoes before them or you would feel uncomfortable.”

The jacket looked at the sun and looked slyly at the panther. “I must be off, because now I see that the sun is high in the heavens.” 

The panther did not think of doubting the jackal and did exactly as he was told. 

Later after the shoes were placed in the sun, the panther put on the shoes. He stretched his foredaws and looked at the shoes with pride, but when he walked he found the shoes very stiff and hard. He could barely walk straight. With every step he took he shrieked in pain and then he fell down. 

A little further away some little partridges were hopping around when they heard the panther. 

The birds came closer to the panther. “You seem to be in pain. Can we help you?” 

The panther pointed at his shoe. “The jacket made the shoes for me. He said it would be very comfortable but it is so hard and tight that they hurt my feet. I also cannot seem to kick it off my feet.” 

The partridge looked kindly at the panther. “Lay still and I will help you.” 

The partridge flew to the nearest spring and carried water in its beak and poured it over the shoes. The partridge was helped by the other birds and they did this until the hard leather turned soft and the panther was easily able to slip the shoes off his feet. 

The panther was finally out of the shoes and he was relieved. “Thank you so much!” The panther told the bird.

The partridge flew away and then the panther angrily decided to take revenge on the jackal for cheating him.

Adapted from folk stories of Africa

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