Friday, September 15, 2023

The thieves who stole a Goat

Once there was a very learned man who was given a goat as a gift. The man carried the goat on his shoulders to take it back home. 

Two thieves saw the learned man with the goat and decided to steal the goat. But they did not want to steal from the man openly because they were out in the open, where others could see them. 

The learned man passed through a lonely path. 

At that time one of the thieves went to the man and he looked a little confused. Why are you carrying a dog on your shoulders?” 

The learned man was shocked. “This is a goat. I am not carrying a dog. I am carrying a goat. Can you not see properly?” 

The man looked confused. “I am very sure of what I saw. But if you are sure, then I have nothing to say.”

Saying this the man walked away from there. 

The learned man was sure that the other man was blind or could not see properly and that was the reason for his comments. 

He walked ahead when another man came up to him. “Why are you carrying a dead calf on your shoulders?” 

The learned man was now sure that he carried some dangerous beast which he did not know. In panic he thought that it was a demon. 

He threw the goat away and ran away from there. 

The two thieves came and picked up the goat and laughed out loud at how they had fooled the learned man.

Adapted from the Panchatantra

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