Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Red Autumn Leaves - Part One

In the ages of old times all the animals together held a council after mid summer. 

But once in summer all the animals wanted to go to the sky and see how the country in the sky looked. 

However none of the animals could find a way to go there. 

The oldest and the smartest creature on Earth was Turtle. 

Turtle prayed to the Thunder God to take him to the sky. 

His prayer was soon answered. 

The other animals looked in awe and there was a sudden great sound near them and after that Turtle was missing. 

They searched everywhere for Turtle but could not find him on earth. 

That evening when they looked at the sky they saw Turtle moving in the sky like a black cloud. 

Turtle liked the city in the sky a lot. He decided to stay there and send his descendants to Earth. 

The people in the sky had no problems with this. “Where do you want to live in the sky, Turtle?” 

Turtle thought about it and nodded. “I would like to stay in the black cloud where there are ponds, streams and water because that is exactly like the place where I lived when I was young.” 

The people in the sky happily allowed Turtle’s wish. 

However every year just before the great council Turtle came back to Earth to attend the meeting. 

After that Turtle went back to the sky. 

Soon the other animals on Earth were very unhappy because they heard that a new race of creatures was coming over to live in their land. 

The other animals realized that the only way they could avoid any troubles with these new creatures was if they went to the skies just like Turtle. 

But they did not know how to get to the skies. 

Deer was wandering about the forest and there he came across Rainbow. 

Rainbow often built a path of many colours across the sky. 

Deer turned to the Rainbow. “Can you carry me up to the sky because I want to see Turtle?” 

Rainbow did not want to act without the permission of the Thunder God. So Rainbow lied to the deer. “Come and meet me in winter when I stay for a long time on the mountain near the lake. From there I will carry you to the place where Turtle lives.”

Throughout the long winter months Deer looked for Rainbow but the Rainbow did not come. 

Moreover life was getting harder on Earth and the animals were in terror of the new race who were to come there. 

Deer was very timid and impatient. 

At last one day in the early summer Deer found Rainbow. “Why did you lie to me?” Deer told Rainbow angrily. “I waited for you all of winter on the mountain by the lake but you did not come.” 

Deer adamantly looked at Rainbow. “I want to go to the sky now to see Turtle.” 

Rainbow shook his head. “I cannot take you right now. But some day when there is fog over the lake I will come back and drive it away. Come to me then and I will take you to the sky to the place where Turtle lives.” 

After promising Deer that he would not fool him, Rainbow disappeared. 

This time Rainbow consulted the Thunder God and asked permission from the Thunder God to bring Deer to the Sky.

Adapted from Canadian Native American folktales

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