Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Red Autumn Leaves - Part Three

The animals waiting by the lake at the end of the path looked up and saw the battle above. The animals on Earth were afraid because they wanted neither Bear nor Deer to die. So the animals sent Wolf up to the sky to stop the fight between Bear and Deer.

When Wolf went up to the sky to put an end to the fight, Wolf was in for a shock. 

Bear was bleeding freely from the places where Deer had pierced his antlers against Bear.

Things were also not good for Deer who was bleeding from the wounds caused by Bear's strong claws.

Wolf was however able to convince both the animals to give up their fight.

After that the two animals huffed but went their separate ways.

It was after this that the other animals who had decided to come to the skies after the fight between Bear and Deer was over, came to the place where Rainbow created a path to the Skies. 

On looking at the Skies, the other animals also loved the skies. 

They decided to live there. They decided to send their descendants to the earth after they came to know that the new race meant no harm to them.

As the animals lived in the Skies, the shapes of the animals can sometimes be seen as clouds hurrying across the sky. 

However, back to the Bear and the Deer, the two animals were badly injured. 

The blood from Bear and Deer dropped from the skies. 

It dripped along the path of Rainbow and fell freely upon the leaves of the tree beneath them on the earth. 

This was the reason that the leaves changed colour. 

So every year in autumn the leaves take on the bright and wondrous colours given to them by the blood of Bear and Deer when they fought in the Skies. 

And since that day Bear and Deer have never been friends.

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