Monday, September 18, 2023

The Wolf and the Fox

Once a Fox and a wolf were together. The fox was weaker than the wolf and therefore it had to do everything that the wolf wanted it to do. 

Once they were passing through a forest. “Fox, get me something to eat or I will eat you.” The Wolf told the fox in a menacing voice. 

The fox looked around and nodded. “I know a farm yard where there are two young lambs. I will get one for you.” 

The fox went to the farm yard and looked around carefully and got one of the young lambs without anyone knowing about it. 

The fox brought the lamb to the wolf and the wolf gulped down the whole thing in a single bite. 

The fox then went its way. 

However the wolf was still hungry. It decided to go to the farm yard and get the other young lamb. 

However the wolf was clumsy.

While trying to get the young lamb it made so much noise that the mother of the young lamb cried out. 

Hearing this the farmer and the other people in the farm came out and thrashed the wolf.

The wolf was very angry with the fox. “You did not tell me everything. That is why this has happened.”

The fx looked angrily at the wolf. “All this has happened because you are a glutton!”

The next day, the wolf and the fox were passing through the country. “Fox, get me something to eat, or I will eat you.”

The fox looked around. “There is a farmhouse nearby. The farmer’s wife is making pancakes. I will get some for you.”

The fox went near the farmhouse and looked around. It sniffed and found the place where the dish was placed. It stealthily went to the dish and grabbed six pancakes and ran away from there.

The fox brought the six pancakes to the wolf who swallowed it in a single gulp.

The fox went its way.

The wolf was hungry and went to the farmhouse to get some food for itself. However, this time too it was not careful and it pulled down the dish making a lot of noise.

The farmer’s wife came running there and alerted everyone to come there. All the people thrashed the wolf who was finally able to run away from there.

This time too the wolf felt that the fox was responsible for his injuries because the wolf felt that the fox had not told it all the necessary facts.

“You are such a glutton!” The fox replied even more angrily.

The third day, the wolf was painfully limping beside the fox when the wolf threatened the fox again.

The fox knew that a man nearby had plenty of sweetmeats in his cellar and the fox was about to get it.

“This time take me with you.” The wolf told the fox. “So that I know what to do.”

The fox and the wolf went together to the man’s cellar. The fox found a narrow hole in the wall which would get him to the cellar.

There the wolf was shocked to see much sweetmeat.

The fox kept a watch outside and asked the wolf to eat some sweetmeat.

The fox checked the hole repeatedly to make sure that it could get out of it easily.

“What are you doing?” The wolf asked the fox even as the wolf swallowed some more food.

“I am keeping a watch. If the man comes back, we need to leave through this hole.” The fox studied the wolf who was stuffing itself with a lot of food. “Do not eat a lot. Otherwise you will not be able to get out of the hole.”

The wolf however did not pay any heed to the fox’s words and ate all the sweetmeats there.

The fox yelped when it saw the man coming. “Run!” It yelled getting out of the hole.

The wolf sluggishly followed. But it was stuck in the hole and could not get out.

The man and his friends caught the wolf and this time thrashed the wolf so badly that the wolf fell dead.

The fox was free of the wolf and it realized that the wolf had died because of gluttony and greed.

Adapted from the Grimm Brothers Fairy Tale

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