Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bhadrabahu and his Clever Minister Mantragupta - Part One

The kingdom of Magadga was ruled by Bhadrabahu. One of Bhadrabahu’s ministers was Mantragupta. Mantragupta was a very clever man. Mantragupta noticed that the king had been unhappy for some time.

“What is the matter, your majesty?” Mantragupta was confused.

The king sighed. “Dharmagopa, who is the king of Varanasi has a daughter called Anangalila. Anangalila is a beauty unlike anything that the three worlds has seen.” The king sighed again.

“Do you wish to marry Anangalila, your majesty?” Mantragupta shrewdly studied the king.

The king nodded slowly. “Many times. I have asked her father for her hand in marriage. But he refused out of spite for me.”

Mantragupta was taken aback as Bhadrabahu continued. “Dharmagopa has an elephant called Bhadradanta. Bhadradanta is  a fierce warrior elephant in Dharmagopa’s army. He is sure that as long as he has this elephant in his army, nothing can defeat him.”

Bhadrabahu looked unhappy. “I think he is right. That elephant can singlehandedly change the fate of any battle in the favour of the king. So as long as the king has that elephant with him, nothing can defeat him.”

The king unhappily looked at his minister. “Now that I have realized that neither my diplomacy nor my battle prowess can help me win Anangalila’s hand in marriage, I am disappointed.”

Mantragupta was silent for some time. Then he nodded at the king. “Your troubles are not with King Dharmagopa, your majesty. It is because of the elephant Bhadradanta. Once that is removed, you can have no troubles with marrying the woman that you love.”

“What do you want me to do?” The king studied his minister.

The minister shook his head. “I do not want you to do anything, your majesty. I will handle this with my ingenuity.”

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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