Monday, September 2, 2024

The Story of the Enchanted Canary - Part Ten

Prince Desire took Titty with him to the castle and told everyone there the troubles that she had had when he had come to the castle to get the carriage to bring Princess Zizi to the castle.

All the Ladies and the Lords pretended to feel sorry for the girl whom Prince Desire had brought in and they gave her rich dresses.

A grand feast was organized in the castle.

All the people were waiting for the main food.

But the food did not come.

This was the reason for that.

While the Royal Cook was preparing the food for the function, a little canary came to the window sill of the window in the kitchen.

The canary greeted the Royal Cook. “Good day, my fine cook!”

The chef caught his surprise and nodded. “Good day little golden bird.”

The bird looked at the food being cooked. “I pray that the food burns and Titty does not eat it.”

When the bird spoke the words, the Royal Cook fell asleep. 

The food was burnt to a cinder when the Royal Cook saw this. He quickly recooked the food and warded off enquiry from the people on the dining table.

While the food was being prepared, the second time too the bird came and made sure that food was burnt. 

This happened a total of three times.

The people at the dining table were still waiting when the Royal Cook went to the court and explained to the people there about the troubles caused by the little bird.

The people at the dining table did not believe the words of the Royal Cook and asked him to produce some proof of what had happened.

Adapted from Andrew Lang's Red Fairy Book

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