Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Story of Old Dschang, the Gardener - Part One


There was one an old man who was called Old Dschang. He worked as a gardener. 

Old Dschang’s neighbour was Sir We. Sir We was a very powerful man in the country. Once Sir We decided to get his daughter married.

As soon as Old Dschang heard this, he was very happy. He invited the old match-maker to his house and asked her to recommend him as a husband for Sir We’s daughter.

The old woman scorned at the old man and walked away without replying.

The next day Old Dschang invited the match-maker to his house again and gave her dinner. He again asked the old woman to recommend him as a husband for Sir We’s daughter.

“She is young! You are too old. Such a marriage is wrong.”

Old Dschang sighed. “Just tell her parents about my wishes. If they do not wish to proceed any further than I will never bring it up again.”

The old match-maker woman had taken money from Old Dschang and she knew that she did not have any other choice.

The old woman knew that Sir We was going to be furious with her, but she still went to Sir We’s house and told him about Old Dschang.

Sir We was very angry. 

So the old woman told Sir We about how she had come here.

Sir We angrily scowled. “Tell that old man that if he brings me two white jade stones and four hundred ounces of old, I will give him my daughter in marriage.”

Sir We was sure that old Dschang could do no such and it was just to mock the old man that Sir We imposed such a condition.

After that the old matchmaker went to old Dschang and told her what had happened.

Adapted from Chinese Folktales

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