Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Seven Foals - Part One


Once a very poor couple had three sons. The couple had three sons and the third son was called Cinderlad. Cinderlad was called that because he did nothing other than poke around the ashes.

The eldest son decided to go out of the world and earn his living. His parents sent him on his way.

The eldest son walked for a long time and at last came to a royal palace.

The king of the palace stood on the staircase leading into the palace as the eldest son had come there. “Where are you going?”

“I am going to earn my living.” The eldest son told the king.

The king studied the eldest son. “Will you watch my seven foals?”

The eldest son was surprised. “Foals?”

The king nodded. “Follow them wherever they go, all through the day. At night, come to me and tell me what they eat and drink.” The king shrugged. “If you do that, you can have the princess as your wife and half of my kingdom.”

The eldest son was stunned.

The king continued in a grave voice. “If you fail to do what you are told, you will be punished.”

The eldest son was excited. He was sure that he could watch seven foals and he agreed to this.

The next morning, the Master of the Horse working at the king’s palace let out seven foals.

The seven foals ran and the eldest son ran after all the foals. 

The foals ran over hills and forests and they ran for a long time.

The eldest son followed the foals, but he was soon tired.

Adapted from Norwegian Folktales

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