Wednesday, September 18, 2024

King Vikramasimha and his Minister Anantaguna - Part One


The kingdom of Pratishthana was ruled by King Vikramasimha. His wife was Queen Sasirekha.

Unfortunately for King Vikramsimha, five of his relatives from the neighbouring kingdom ganged up against him and attacked him.

King Vikramasimha had a very clever minister called Anantaguna. When the five relatives had together attacked Vikramasimha, Anantaguna wanted to reconcile. The minister probably was well aware that fighting at that time would not be favourable to the king.

But Vikramasimha did not listen to his minister. Vikramasimha went to war.

The five relatives together beat back the king’s smaller forces in battle.

At that time, Anantaguna again rode to his king.

“King! Please listen to me. Our forces are smaller and if you keep this up, our enemies will rout us. So get off your elephant and mount a horse now. Let us leave this battle now and go to another place. You can conquer your enemies at some future time, when you are stronger.”

This time king Vikramasimha heeded to the words of his wise minister.

King Vikramasimha rode away from the place and came to the kingdom of Ujjayini.

The king disguised himself to make sure that no one could recognize him in the new kingdom.

The kingdom of Ujjayini had a courtesan called Kumudika. Kumudika was a very well known and wealthy courtesan in the kingdom of Ujjaiyini.

The disguised Vikramasimha came to Kumudika’s house in the kingdom of Ujjayini.

Adapted From the Katha Sarith Sagara

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