Monday, September 9, 2024

Bhadrabahu and his Clever Minister Mantragupta - Part Three

Even as the ‘disciples’ of the Pasupata ascetic reached the home of the elephant trainer, they were in for a shock. The elephant trainer had been unable to find his wife and in a fit of madness, he had swallowed some poison.

Using their knowledge, the people accompanying the Minister Mantragupta were easily able to counter the effects of poison in the elephant trainer’s body.

They pretended that they were genuinely compassionate about the elephant trainer and that was the reason that they had acted the way they had.

After the elephant trainer was well, the ‘disciples’ nodded gravely at him. “We do not know your problem. But our teacher knows everything. Come to him and he will be able to help you.”

Filled with hope the elephant trainer went to the home of the Pasupata ascetic. “My Lord, my wife is missing. I do not know where she is. I went to work and when I was back she was not there.”

The clever Mantragupta majestically heard the man with an inscrutable face and after that he pretended to meditate for some time.

“Your wife was taken against her will and she is in a house in this very kingdom.” Mantragupta told the elephant trainer finally.

The elephant trainer was amazed as Mantragupta continued and described the house that the elephant trainer’s wife had been taken to, in great detail.

The elephant trainer with the help of the palace guards went to the house and there he found his wife.

The elephant trainer was thrilled beyond anything.

After his wife was back home safe and sound, the elephant trainer went to the Pasupata ascetic and thanked him profusely. After that the elephant trainer invited the ascetic to his home.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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