Monday, September 30, 2024

The Faraway Sky - Part One

During the times of old, the sky was very near to the earth. 

In fact, the sky was so close that people could chip the pieces of sky with their own hands. The sky was delicious and people would taste different things from different parts of the sky. The people would eat the pieces of the sky whenever they were hungry. This way the people of earth did not have to work at all because food was always available to them.

The king of the times, King Oba would give parties to his people. Whenever this used to happen, King Oba’s people would cut the pieces of the sky and cut the pieces into different and wonderful pieces and serve the pieces of the sky as food to the people in the kingdom.

But as time went on, the people forgot to be thankful to the sky for what it provided to them. The people did not have to work for their food and so they took the food for granted and did not respect it.

Sometimes, it so happened that people would even cut off larger portions of the sky than they needed. The people would throw the remaining pieces away.

The sky saw this for some time. After that, the sky became very angry. 

Suddenly one day, the sky became very dark.

The frightened people were terrified and came out of their houses hesitatingly to see what the problem was.

“King Oba!” The sky thundered angrily.

The people trembled as the sky continued. “If you continue to take more than what you need and waste the portions of the sky, you will have no more portions of the sky to eat.” 

The people were shocked as the sky finished angrily. “Do not waste food after this time.”

Adapted from Nigerian Folktales

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