Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Seven Foals - Part Three


After the first son had come back home, he could not tell anything to his family. He was scared that he had been punished and did not want to talk about it.

The second son studied the first son and after seeing that the first son was back, he decided that he had to go and make a living. Though the second son could see that his elder brother was scared, he was determined that he would do better.

He asked the permission of his parents to go out into the world to make his own fortune. 

The parents refused at first. But the second son was insistent.

Finally, the parents had no choice and they let the second son by himself.

The second son walked all day and he also came to the king’s palace.

This time too the king was standing in the outside steps of the palace.

Everything happened as it had happened with the first son and soon the second son found himself a job of finding out what the seven foals ate and drank for the entire day.

Unfortunately, the second son also made the same mistake as the first son. He saw the old lady and did not keep to his job of looking after the seven foals.

He also foolishly took the bottle and the moss from the old woman and showed it to the king in the evening.

The second son was also punished and sent back to his home.

Now, the third son, Cinderlad, heard the story of what had happened to his two elder brothers. “I want to watch the seven foals myself.” Cinderlad thought out aloud to his two brothers.

But the two elder brothers mocked the youngest brother.

The youngest brother was determined and asked his parents permission to go out into the world and make his own fortune.

Adapted from the Norwegian Folktales

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