Sunday, April 28, 2024

How Odin lost his Eye

The Yggdrasil Ash tree stood tall and proud connecting the nine worlds through its branches and roots. The branches of the Yggdrasil extended to the heavens, and the roots of the trees extended deep beneath the other worlds.
In one of the roots of the tree was a fountain – Urdar Well, which was looked after by the Norn-maidens. The Norn Maidens knew the fates of all and they were given the job of watering the Yggdrasil. The Norns watered the Yggdrasil from the water of the Urder Well, because of which the Yggdrasil was always green and beautiful.

However what was even more special than this fountain was the Mimir’s well, which was in another root of the Yggdrasil Tree. Odin, the Allfather, who was the wisest among all the Gods kept knowing more and more about all the worlds, because of his two ravens – Huginn and Muninn (Huginn means Thought and Muninn means Memory). The two ravens brought him news about all the events everywhere.

The two ravens, once brought Odin the news about Mimir’s well.
The waters of Mimir’s Well were not just plain water. Any person who drank the waters of Mimir’s well would become wise beyond all others.
Every day in the morning, Mimir would dip his horn – the Gioll, into the Well and bring out some water and drink it.
When Odin came to know about the Mimir’s well, Odin wanted nothing more than to have a drink from the well, as well.
So one day, after the sun had set, Odin left for Mimir’s secret well.
After reaching the place, Odin peered into the well and saw the crystal clear waters of the well when he heard movement behind him.
"What do you wish, Odin?" The man who spoke to Odin was old – very old and he was looking at Odin calmly.
"I wish to drink water from your well." Odin told the wise man.
"That well belongs to me. I do not offer the water to all." Mimir said.
"Please! Let me have some water, taken from your horn. I will pay you for it." Odin told Mimir almost eagerly.
Mimir gave Odin an amused look. "What can you pay...." Mimir shook his head. "Before, telling you how you can pay me, tell me why you wish to drink from the well? This water is not meant for all."
Odin nodded. "I know many things. My ravens, keep me well informed. But then I wish to know everything. I wish to see everything. For that wisdom, I shall pay anything." Odin said simply.
Mimir looked at Odin sharply. "You wish to see....."
There was a small smile in Mimir’s lips as he looked at Odin. "Than that is what I wish. If you want to pay me, give me one of your eye."
Odin did not hesitate. Not even for a second. He knew that the wisdom which was to be his, was much greater than the sight of an eye. And so, Odin left one of his eyes at the bottom of the Mimir’s well, where it is believed that it lies even now.
In return, Odin got the sparkling water of the Mimir’s well. The minute Odin drank the water, Odin became the wisest among all people. That is the reason that Odin, the Allfather, the most strongest of all Gods, is without an eye.
- From Norse Mythology

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