Monday, April 29, 2024

Little Golden-Hood - Part One


That was once a little patient girl whose name was Blanchette. Unlike Little Red Riding Hood, Blanchette had a golden hood. Blanchette’s cloak was the colour of gold and fire. Blanchette’s grandmother gave her this cloak and told her that the cloak would always bring her good luck for it was made of ray of sunshine. 

Blanchette’s grandmother lived on the other side of a dense forest and everyone in Blanchette’s village along with Blanchette herself believed that her grandmother was a witch. 

So Blanchette always wore the golden hood. 

It was for this that Blanchette was called Little Golden Hood.

Once Little Golden Hood’s mother called her. “I want to see whether you can find your way back home. So take this piece of cake for your grandmother.” Her mother studied her severely. “Little Golden Hood, do not talk to any strangers on the way. Do you understand?”

Blanchette agreed and decided to visit her grandmother the next day.

The next morning, as Blanchette stepped into the forest, she heard a sound.

“Who is it?” Blanchette asked, looking around.

“I am Friend Wolf.” Replied the voice.

Now Wolf had seen Blanchette enter the forest alone and Wolf wanted to eat Blanchette. However, at that time some woodcutters also came to the forest. So instead Wolf pretended to be Blanchette’s friend.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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