Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Lion and the Jackal - Part One

It was a time when food was very difficult to come for the wild animals of a particular forest. A lion and a jackal teamed up and they decided that they would hunt animals together.

It was decided that if it was a big animal that the lion hunted, the lion was to take it and give it to his family. Whereas if the hunted animal was small the Jackal would take it for his family.

It so happened that the lion killed a large eland.

However at that time another animal also walked on the other side and the lion decided to try to find another prey. The lion turned to the jackal. “Take this eland to my family and give it to my wife.”

The Jackal was however very clever and instead of taking the eland to the lion’s family, the jackal took the dead eland to its own family and where its wife and children were also starving.

Unfortunately the lion was not able to catch any other prey. After all this was over the Lion went back to its cave. 

The lion was surprised when his wife told him that no meat had been delivered to the family by the jackal.

The Lion realized that it had been fooled by the Jackal and it decided to attack on the jackal.

The lion waited near a water body and it was sure that the Jackal would come there. The jackal did come there and as soon as it saw the lion the Jackal ran and hid itself in the hole in the tree. 

The lion was far larger than the hole and it could not get inside, however it was able to catch the tail of the jackal.

Adapted from South-African Folktales

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