Sunday, April 21, 2024

The King of Birds - Part Three

When the little Ncede so how angry the other birds were.

The Ncede flew into an empty snake hole.

The other birds could not get inside the snake hole because they were big. They waited for some time for the Ncede to come out of a hole but the little bird did not come out.

Finally the other birds turned to the owl. “Keep your eyes on the rat hole. With big eyes you can do it easily. Catch the little bird when it comes out of the snake hole.”

So the owl waited in front of the hole.

The sun was very hot. 

Soon the Owl faltered. It fell asleep as it stared at the snake hole continuously.

Meanwhile Little Ncede cautiously peeped out of the snake hole.

The little bird saw that the Owl was not keeping watch because it had fallen asleep. 

Utilizing the chance Ncede flew up and away from the snake hole.

Eventually the other birds along with the owl realized that Ncede had escaped from the snake hole. 

Owl was very ashamed of his own carelessness because of which Ncede had escaped.

Since then, the Owl hunted only at night.

During the day he slept and stayed away from the sight of the other birds.

Adapted from South African Folktales

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