Saturday, April 20, 2024

The King of Birds - Part Two


The vulture cried in happiness. “I flew the highest. I have to be the king of birds now.” 

However a small voice came from near the vulture. “No! I am the highest, I am the king.” This was Ncede, the smallest bird of all. In reality the Ncede had held on to the wing of the vulture as the vulture had soared into the sky and then gone above the vulture.

However the vulture did not know it at that time and was very annoyed by the Ncede. 

“You will not beat me again,” the vulture said and it flew straight up in the air until he was exhausted. 

“I am your King.” The vulture shouted tiredly from the sky.

This time the Ncede came out from the vulture’s wing. “No it is me, the smallest bird. I am your King.”

However this time the vulture was too exhausted to fly any further.

The vulture came down and the Ncede was still in his wing and the other bird realized what could have happened.

The other birds were all furious with Ncede and they were angry with the bird and ready to punish him and pluck out all his feathers.

Adapted from South African Folktales

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