Monday, April 15, 2024

The Two Brothers and the Mallet - Part Two

Cho learnt what had happened to the silkworms that he had killed in Kane’s house. Cho also came to know that Kane had managed to revive the silkworm and the silkworms had given Kane a better yield than expected.

Cho wondered whether this was all because he had killed those silkworms. 

So in an attempt to get better yield, Cho did the same in his own silkworm field - he cut his worms into two just like he had done with Kane’s silkworms. 

But in Cho’s case, the silkworms did not come back to life and Cho lost a lot of money.

Cho was jealous of his elder brother’s fortune, when something else also happened.

Kane planted the rice seed that he had borrowed from his brother and the rice field flourished for better than Cho’s rice field.

Kane’s field has so much rice that plenty of swallows flew in and came to eat the rice.

This had never happened before. Kane used all his skills and he tried to drive away the swallows. Kane made as much noise as he could in an attempt to drive away the swallows from his field.

Finally Kane drove away a large number of swallows and he pursued the swallows to make sure that they did not return to his field.

Kane ran after the swallows quite a distance and he had come to another field by the time he had lost sight of all the swallows. 

Kane was also very tired by then. 

So Kane closed his eyes and rested in the distant field after driving away the swallows.

Adapted from Japanese Folktales

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