Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Empress Jokwa and the Path of the Sun and the Moon - Part Four

Hako and Eiko were struggling in the water. 

At that time they were stunned when they saw an island rise out of the water. There was an old man with white hair smiling at them from the island. The old man waved the two generals to come towards him.

Hako and Eiko signaled the old man for help. 

The old man nodded and came down to the edge of the water. Something extraordinary happened when the old man’s feet touched the water. The water parted and a dry road appeared in the water and the Road led to the island of the old man.

Kokai, who had created the flood, also saw the island which had come and he saw that Hako and Eiko were about to be safe on the island Kokai became angry. He swam through the water towards the old man. 

But the old man is not even a little bit worried about it.

As Kokai reached the island, suddenly the old man laughed and turned into a large and beautiful crane and flew away from there.

Though Hako and Eiko did not know who the old man was, they both realized that whoever had helped them by forming the island there, was not a mere human being but could be a God in disguise.

Now that the water was gone both Kokai and the young warriors were tired. Neither wanted to fight for that day and went their ways. 

That night Hako and Eiko realized that they were just human and they could not fight against the magic of a wizard like Kokai. So they went to Empress Jokai and told her what had happened at the battle.

Empress Jokwa thought through everything and after consultations with all, she decided to ask the Fire King Shikuyu to help her against the rebel wizard.

Adapted from Japanese Folk Tales

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