Sunday, April 28, 2024

Princess Rosette and the King of Peacocks - Part Two

The royal couple begin to think about how to avoid the disaster. The king thought that taking the life of Rosette was an option to save their sons. However the queen could not hear of it. 

Near the kingdom lived a wise old hermit who lived in a hollow tree. People from all over went to the wise men to consult him.

When the queen met him and told him all that the fairies had told her about Rosette’s future, the hermit suggested that Rosette had to be locked up in a tower and never let come out of it. That way she could not influence her brother's fate in any way.

The queen went back to her castle and told the King all that the hermit had told her.

The royal couple decided that this was the course of action to be taken. They had a great tower built and Princess Rosette was shut up there. 

The king, queen and two brothers visited Rosette in the tower daily.

The two princes loved their little sister very much and they believed that she was the sweetest and prettiest princess to have ever lived.

Things continued this way and when Rosette turned fifteen living this way in the tower, the elder prince wanted the king to find a good match for the little princess.

However though the king and the queen thought about it before either of them could act on it, the king and the queen passed away.

The elder Prince soon became the king and he along with his brother decided that they had to bring their sister out of the tower where she had lived till then. 

The Princess was brought out and she enjoyed the normal things around the castle.

She especially loved the beautiful garden trees and flowers which she had never seen before.

At that time she also had got her little dog which she called Frisk. 

It was at this time that Rosette saw a beautiful bird with pretty feathers all over. She was mesmerized with the beauty of the bird and she went to her brothers and asked what the bird was. 

That was a peacock and the more Rosette saw it, the more she was impressed with the bird.

She decided that she was going to marry the King of Peacocks and after that she would take good care of all the peacocks in the world.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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