Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Two Kinds of Fortune - Part One

In a city named Kautukapura, there ruled a king called Bahusuvarnaka. Bahusuvarnaka meant possessor of gold and that was the reason the king was so named. He had plenty of gold with him and he was generous.

However, the king had a particular servant named Yasovarman. Though the king paid all his other servants, he never gave anything to this particular man. 

Once Yasovarman asked the king why the king would not pay him.

The king pointed at the sun. “I will give you plenty of riches, but Surya Deva who is the Sun God will not permit me to give it to you.”

Yasovarman wondered how he could solve this problem and finally hit upon a solution.

During the eclipse of the sun, Yasovarman went to the king's chambers and asked for wealth. 

The king was very happy with Yasovarman’s smartness and gave him plenty of gold and garments.

Yasovarman lived a happy life with his wealth.

Soon his wealth was all used up and he did not see any eclipse of the sun anytime soon. 

He finally decided to perform severe penance towards Goddess Durga for wealth. 

So he sat down in front of the idol of the Goddess and performed severe penance. 

The goddess appeared in his dream. “I am very pleased with your penance. And I will give you what you want. But before that, you have to tell me whether you want the good fortune of wealth or the good fortune of enjoyment.”

Yasovarman was confused when he heard this. “I do not know the difference between these two fortunes.” 

The goddess smiled at him. “Return to your country and visit the houses of two merchants, Arthavarman and Bhogavarman. There you will find the difference between these fortunes. Then come to me. And I shall grant you the boon that you seek.”

Audio Story in Youtube

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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