Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Three Sons and the Golden Lion - Part One

Once there was a merchant who had three sons. 

The first son wanted to see the world. The merchant happily granted this wish. The merchant had a beautiful and rich ship built for the first son.

The first son sailed away in this ship to see distant lands.

After some days, the first son arrived at a kingdom.

The first thing that the first son saw at the new kingdom was a strange board. The board proclaimed that if anyone found the king’s daughter within eight days, the person could have the princess as his wife.

As soon as the first son saw this, he could think of nothing else.

He finally decided to try his luck and the first son went and spoke with the king.

“The princess is somewhere in the palace, young man and you are free to look everywhere here.” The king’s eyes turned stern. “However, if you are not able to find the princess within eight days, I will kill you.”

The first son was confident that he could find the princess if she was indeed hidden in the palace somewhere.

He agreed to this condition.

The king had food and water given to the first son and opened up all the doors of the palace.

The first son was given eight days to find the princess.

Adapted from Italian Folktales

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