Saturday, June 8, 2024

The White Cat - Part Eight

‘At first the Queen was afraid and she did not want to tell the king what she had offered in return for the fruits that she had carried back to her home.

However, the king was suspicious when he saw the dwarves in his kingdom. He was even more suspicious when the dwarves followed the Queen everywhere.

Finally, having no choice, the Queen told the king everything.

The king was furious. 

He chased the dwarves out of the kingdom and then locked up the Queen and the little princess in a huge tower where no one could see them.

However, the fairies would not take no for an answer. 

When the fairies learnt what had happened from the dwarves, the fairies sent a fire-breathing dragon to the kingdom.

The dragon burnt up many houses and places in the kingdom and the people in the kingdom were terrified of the next dragon-attack.

Then the wise people in the king’s court came and told him that it was best if the king handed over the princess to the fairies keeping up the promise of the Queen. Because the fairies did not seem to stop otherwise.

The king reluctantly agreed to this and he sent a message to the fairies to take the little princess.

The princess was taken to the land of the fairies by a chariot drawn by sea-horses.

The princess grew up in the land of fairies among everything beautiful and she was taught everything there. 

But the only companions the princess had were a parrot and dog for company.

After the princess grew up there, one day, the princess saw a handsome prince who was hunting in the forests around the castle where the princess lived.

The prince looked exactly like the third prince who visited the castle of the White Cat.’

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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