Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Three Sons and the Golden Lion - Part Five

Behind the seventh door, the third son who was hidden inside the golden lion was shocked.

The princess was there along with eleven other girls who looked like the princess and dressed like her.

The third son was not sure how he could identify the princess again.

Then the king started talking as he pointed at the golden lion. “I have this gift for you for today.”

The princess was thrilled to see it. She decided to keep it near her, for the night.

That night the third son looked at the princess from inside the golden lion and sighed out aloud. “Oh princess, you have no idea what I have gone through to find you.”

The princess was startled on hearing the words. She looked at her friends. “The lion spoke to me!”

Her eleven friends dismissed the princess’s words as irrelevant and went their way leaving the princess alone because they could not find anything wrong with the lion.

Finally when the princess was alone, the merchant’s son came out and spoke with the princess.

The princess was smitten on seeing the merchant’s third son and she fell in love with him.

She realized that the merchant's son would now be able to pass her father’s test and find her in the palace. But he would still not be able to identify her among the eleven other girls.

The princess was in love with the merchant’s third son and she decided to tie a sash around her wrists so that the merchant’s son may be able to identify her among all the other girls in the hidden place.

Adapted from Italian Folktales

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