Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Indivarsena and Anicchasena - Part Two

In due course, Adhikasangama gave birth to two sons. 

The elder son was called Indivarasena and the younger son was called Annichasena.

The entire kingdom other than Kavyalankara rejoiced at the birth of the two sons.

The two sons were quick learners and were soon skilled in many arts and were talented archers. After finishing their studies, the two brothers decided to expand their father’s kingdom. 

Parityaganesa was thrilled when he heard about the campaign plans of his sons and he made his arrangements for his son’s conquest. The king told his two sons an important thing before their campaign. “The two of you are born because of the blessing of Goddess Chandika.” The king smiled at his sons. “She will always protect you. So in case you are in trouble, pray to Goddess Chandika and she will solve your troubles.”

The two sons nodded. 

“Secondly, I want you to take Prathamasangama, your grandfather with you.” The king told his sons. “He has been my minister and he is very clever and experienced. He shall be able to help you in case of any trouble.”

The two sons nodded and then left for the campaign.

First the two sons went to the east and won all the kingdoms there. Then they planned and turned to the south and conquered the kingdoms there too.

When the king and first queen heard this, they were thrilled.

But Kavyalankara was furious when she heard this. She was determined to take her revenge and saw her opportunity when she saw that the two sons were on another conquest.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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