Monday, June 3, 2024

The White Cat - Part Three


The Cat spoke kindly to the prince and then the two of them sat down to have supper. The Hands placed a lovely dinner for both of them.

After dinner, the prince noticed something strange. The White Cat had a picture tied with a cord, on one of her feet.

The prince was shocked because the portrait looked a lot like him. He wanted to ask the Cat about it, but the prince felt that the Cat would not answer his question. Her painful eyes told the prince that.

After dinner, the Hands led the prince to a lovely bedroom and he slept there comfortably.

The next morning, the Cat had organized a hunt into the forest.

The prince wanted to join the hunt and he was given a wooden horse which actually rode very fast. The White Cat sat on a monkey and she wore a cap which made her look fierce.

Many other cats accompanied the White Cat in the hunt.

The hunt was enjoyable and the prince loved his time there.

The White Cat and the other cats were all very good hunters and they also seemed to like it.

At night, after dinner, the Hands led the Prince back to his bedroom and he slept there.

This happened every day and soon the prince found that he enjoyed his time here and did not want to leave.

During the entire time, the prince found that the White Cat was also very thoughtful and sweet and the prince came to enjoy the company of the White Cat more than anything else.

Though the prince tried to ask about the past of the White Cat, she never talked about it.

Soon a year was almost to pass and that was when the prince remembered the reason he was here. 

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy Tales

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