Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Painter of Cats - Part Two

Kihachi’s parents spoke with the priest in the temple and asked him to teach Kihachi.

The priest made Kihachi sit and asked him many questions. Kihachi gave very clever answers and the priest was thrilled. “This boy is meant to be great.” The priest told Kihachi’s parents. “Let him be here and I will teach him all that he needs to know about being a priest.”

Kihachi stayed in the temple and studied what the priests studied. He woke up very early and watched the fog break over Mountain Fuji and then in the evening, he collected flowers. He learnt many books and studied hard.

But Kihachi still drew cats. He drew them on the books, the scrolls of the temples and everywhere else too.

Soon the priest was very unhappy when he saw it.

Not being able to take it anymore, the priest called Kihachi. “I am sorry Kihachi, but you will never be a good priest. You will be a good artist but not a priest. Here is a bag of rice. Take it and leave the place.” The priest nodded at Kihachi. “May good fortune go with you.” The priest took a deep breath. “The only advice I can give you is that when it becomes dark, do not stay at big places, but get shelter in small places.”

Kihachi was shocked when he heard this. He did not know what to do now. He was afraid to tell all this to his parents and decided to walk away from the temple to some place where artists would be appreciated. 

He took the bag of rice and kept walking away from the temple.

Adapted from the Japanese Folktales

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