Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Three Sons and the Golden Lion - Part Two

All through the eight days, the first son searched every inch of the palace for the princess.

However, the first son of the merchant was unsuccessful in finding the princess.

So the first son was put to death by the king.

Meanwhile back in the first son’s kingdom, the merchant and his other two sons waited for some news about the first son. They became more and more anxious because they received no news of what had happened to the first son.

The second son could take it no more and talked with his father. “Father, give me another ship and some money. I want to find my elder brother.”

The merchant agreed to this.

This time too the winds blew the ship to the same kingdom as before.

The second son was shocked when his ship reached the shore of the kingdom. The second son saw the ship that the first son had used. Seeing that, the second son was convinced that his elder brother had come here.

He looked around the kingdom for his brother and that was when he saw the same notice about finding the princess. 

Somehow, the second son felt that his elder brother would have tried to find the princess and because there was no news about the elder brother, the elder brother had met his end.

After realizing this, the second brother also went to the king and tried his hand in trying to find the princess in the kingdom.

Unfortunately, the second brother failed in finding the princess in the palace and the second brother was also killed by the king.

Adapted from Italian Folktales

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