Monday, June 24, 2024

Indivarsena and Anicchasena - Part Seven

The beautiful young girl near the Rakshasa wanted Indivarsena to cut the Rakshasa’s head in two halves so that it could not grow again.

Indivarsena looked for some opening and attacked the Rakshasa.

This time, he was successful and did exactly what the young girl wanted him to do.

After that, the Rakshasa’s head did not regrow and he fell dead.

That was when the two princes learnt the story of the two women.

The older woman was Madanadamstra and she was the wife of King Virabhuja, who had been the previous ruler of Sailapura. The Rakshasa had killed the previous king and kept his wife and his own.

The younger woman was Khadgamastra. She was the younger sister of the Rakshasa, but she was human and she was madly in love with the prince after a single glance at him.

Khadgamastra wanted Indivarsena to marry her.

Indivarsena agreed to this.

The two of them married and the two princes ruled the kingdom of Sailapura helped both by the power of the magic sword and the fact that Khadgamastra could do magic as she had Rakshasa blood in her.

After ruling the new kingdom for some days, the two princes thought of their parents back in their own kingdom.

Using the power of magic, a flying chariot had been created and Indivarsena sent his younger brother Anicchasena to his parents to tell them that all was well with them.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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