Saturday, June 1, 2024

The White Cat - Part One


A king of a particular kingdom had three sons. 

However, the courtiers of the king convinced the king that all the three sons were after his throne.

The king was not yet ready to give up his throne.

So he came up with an innovative idea.

He called all his three sons to court.

“I want the three of you to go far and wide to the entire world and find me the smallest and loveliest dog in the world. You have a year to find this dog. Such a dog will give me good company. The one among you who is successful shall get my throne.”

The three princes were surprised at the king’s proclamation. 

But finally they decided to do as the king had asked and set off on their journey. The three princes came to an old palace which was about three miles away. After that the three princes went their separate ways.

The youngest prince went from town to town. He found some cute and handsome dogs. He brought one and as soon as he found another, he felt that the second dog was better and he sold the first dog. 

This way the prince soon found himself in a forest. 

It was night when he had reached the forest and it had also started raining. 

In the thunder, rain and dark forest, the prince lost his way.

At a distance, the prince saw light and walked towards it.

As the prince came here, he was stunned.

The prince had seen a fine palace and the door of the palace was made of gold studded with sapphires. That was the light that the prince had seen.

The prince walked inside the palace and saw beautiful paintings which showed the adventure of the fairies since the beginning of the world.

There was no one around the entire palace and the prince wondered how no thieves had come upon the place and robbed it.

That was when a golden door inside the palace opened.

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Fairy tales

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