Thursday, June 6, 2024

The White Cat - Part Six

Naturally, the king was not yet ready to give up his throne. 

This time, the king did not set an easy condition. He wanted the princes to find the most beautiful woman in the world and the prince who has the most beautiful woman as his wife shall inherit his kingdom.

On hearing this the first two brothers set off in different directions and naturally, the third prince went straight to the palace of the White Cat.

But this time the third prince was crestfallen. He had been looking forward to spending the year with the White Cat and did not want to find a beautiful woman to be his wife instead.

That night after having his dinner at the palace of the White Cat, the prince finally told the White Cat of the king’s latest condition.

Contrary to the prince’s expectations, the White Cat was thrilled on hearing the words of the prince.

“Prince, you must cut off my head immediately.” The White Cat told the prince earnestly.

The prince was taken aback. “What? Why?”

“You must. That is the only way out.”

The prince hastily shook his head. “I love you! How can I kill you?”

The White Cat smiled at the prince. “If you really love me, then you must do what I ask.”

The prince finally agreed to the White Cat’s request.

As soon as the prince had done the deed, the White Cat vanished from before his eyes. 

In its place stood a beautiful princess. 

All the cats and the Hands of the palace also disappeared and plenty of royal men and women appeared there.

The beautiful princess smiled happily at the prince. “You have saved us all from a curse, my prince. For that we will always be grateful to you.”

Adapted from Andrew Lang’s Folktales

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