Thursday, June 20, 2024

Indivarsena and Anicchasena - Part Six

The two princes performed meditation towards Goddess Ambika because of the Goddess, neither felt hunger and thirst.

Indivarsena had a dream after meditation. Goddess Vindyavasini gave him a sword. “Use this sword and you will be able to defeat any of your enemies and fulfill all your wishes.”

Indivarsena woke up and found a powerful sword near the idol of the Goddess.

The two princes were overjoyed as Indivarsena told Anicchasena about his dream.

Indivarsena took the sword and the two brothers left the temple and walked towards the edge of the forest.

There they saw a huge kingdom with golden palaces.

The front gate of the kingdom was guarded by a huge monstrous rakshasa.

“Who are you?” The Rakshasa bellowed angrily at the two princes.

“We are princes and we wish to enter…”

“The kingdom of Sailapura belongs to Yamadamstra, who is also a Rakshasa, like me!” The monster yelled again. “I will not let anyone enter the kingdom.”

Indivarsena had a massive fight with the Rakshasa, but Indivarsena won the fight because of the sword in his hand. 

After that, the two brothers entered the kingdom. 

There in the main palace, they found another Rakshasa sitting beside two women - an old elegant looking woman and a younger beautiful woman. The two women looked human and were not Rakshasis.

Looking at the sword in Indivarsena, the Rakshasa in the middle was furious and he attacked the princes.

A furious fight followed. But no matter how many times Indivarsena beheaded the Rakshasa, the Rakshasa’s head grew back.

Indivarsena wondered what to do when the younger beautiful lady signaled Indivarsena.

Indivarsena realized what it meant and attacked the Rakshasa again with renewed will.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagar

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