Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Gunasarma’s Story - Part Six


That morning, Gunasarma was on the way to the royal court. He felt uneasy and he looked around and saw many terrible omens around him. He suddenly feared for the king's safety and ran to the court. 

When Gunasarma arrived at the court, he was surprised to see the king looking very angrily at him.  “What is the matter your majesty?” Gunasarma was confused. 

The king sneered. “You worked with the king of Gauda to take my life, didn't you? That was how you knew that the food prepared for me was poisoned.”

Gunasarma was numb at first and tried to deny it. 

But the king was convinced that Gunasarma was at fault here.  

The king did not listen to any of the explanations of Gunasarma and asked his guards to imprison Gunasarma 

However, Gunasarma happened to be far too good a warrior and he was able to fight the soldiers and escape the palace. 

After that Gunasarma applied a special ointment which would make him invisible to others and using that he reached the end of the kingdom without anyone being able to see him. 

As Gunasarma walked on, he realized that Queen Asokavati had poisoned the king against him. He was sad that King Mahasena had believed his wife without any proof. He lamented the evil Asokavati and the foolishness of the king as he escaped the kingdom.

Adapted from the Katha Sarith Sagara

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